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Term Deposit-i

Enjoy fixed returns on your deposits placed with us, from 2.45% - 2.55% p.a.

Open an account online in minutes now!

HSBC Amanah Term Deposit-i

Make placements with HSBC Amanah's Term Deposit-i today to enjoy fixed returns on your deposits placed with us.

Key Benefits and Privileges

  • Higher returns than an ordinary savings account
    Enjoy fixed and competitive deposit rates from 2.45% - 2.55% p.a.
  • Flexible deposit amounts and tenures
    Make flexible placement from as low as RM1,000 (2 months and above) or RM5,000 for 1 month
  • Easy to open
    Online account opening in a few simple steps. It's a paperless application - simple and convenient
  • Flexible updates
    Update your maturity instructions anytime anywhere via online banking

Profit Rate

Profit rate as of 17 February 2025
Tenure (month)
Profit rate (% p.a.)
1 - 2 2.45 %
3 - 11 2.50 %
12 - 60 2.55 %
Profit rate as of 17 February 2025
Tenure (month)
1 - 2
Profit rate (% p.a.)
2.45 %
Tenure (month)
3 - 11
Profit rate (% p.a.)
2.50 %
Tenure (month)
12 - 60
Profit rate (% p.a.)
2.55 %

Minimum deposit of RM5,000 for one (1) month tenure or RM1,000 for tenure of two (2) months and above.

If you withdraw the term deposit-i before the maturity date, you shall provide us with a rebate (ibra’) on the profit portion payable from the Murabahah Sale Price:

For term deposit-i placed/renewed before 1 March 2025:

  • If the term deposit-i is held for less than 3 months, you won't receive a profit, and you shall provide us with a full rebate (ibra') on the actual profit portion contracted
  • If the term deposit-i is held for 3 months or longer, we will pay the profit at half of the contracted rate for each completed month, and you shall provide us with a rebate (ibra') equivalent to the sum of half of the profit for the completed months and the full profit for the uncompleted months

For term deposit-i placed/renewed on or after 1 March 2025:

You shall provide us with a full rebate (ibra') on the profit portion payable if you withdraw the term deposit-i before the maturity date, and you won't receive a profit.

The rebate shall be deducted from the Murabahah Sale Price.

How to place Term Deposit-i online in 3 simple steps

Step 1 HSBC online banking log on page; image used for HSBC Amanah Term Deposit-i page.

1. Log on to HSBC Malaysia online banking with your username and password or security device.

Step 2 open Term Deposit-i account page; image used for HSBC Amanah Term Deposit-i page.

2. Select “Term Deposit-i” from drop-down list under “Type”. Complete the application with remaining 3 fields to be filled.

Step 3 review detail page; image used for HSBC Amanah Term Deposit-i page.

3. Verify all details then 'Confirm' your application.

Apply for Term Deposit-i in a few simple steps

New to HSBC

Prerequisite of opening term deposit-i is to have at least one HSBC Amanah savings or current account-i for fund channeling purposes. 

Things you should know

To be eligible for Term Deposit-i, you must:

  • Have at least one HSBC Amanah current account-i or savings account-i
  • Minimum deposit amount: RM5,000 for 1 month or RM1,000 for 2 months and above


Member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia

Protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia up to RM250,000 for each depositor*.

*Read full details about PIDM protection (PDF, 4.0MB).

Frequently asked questions

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